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村官自我评价 篇1














村官自我评价 篇2

学生毕业后走向农村去,走向基层,到祖国和人民最需要的地方去。这就是很多的大学生毕业后选择的道路---大学生村官。在与农民相处的日日夜夜,你收获如何?如何写大学生村官自我鉴定呢?以下为一份大学生村官个人自我鉴定的范文,仅供参考。 到苏北去,到基层去,到生产第一线去,到祖国和人民最需要我们的地方去!这是我们大学生响应李源朝部长的号召轰轰烈烈到农村做官的口号。我有幸成为大学生村官中的一员。以下是大学生个人鉴定范文 为响应党的号召与建设社会主义新农村的需要,我以优秀

的成绩争取到了学习派遣大学生进村的名额,下到基层去,支持社会主义新农村的三农问题。 作为一名大学生村干部,来到农村,不是为炫耀自己的身价,而是来实实在在做事的。这是全体村民对我的期待,也是上级领导对大学生村官的希冀。严格要求自己,有所作为成为我的工作目标,积极投身于社会主义新农村建设,为当好这个村官,我始终带着深厚的感情为群众服务,用真情赢得群众信任和拥护。 俗话说新官上任三把火,刚来到李槐庭村,我就认为要开展工作就要先了解情况,了解农民的生活生产状况,熟悉村里的地形地貌。确定了思路,便开始在田间地头转,挨家挨户的跑。严寒的冬日,我每天都奔走在李槐庭村的土地上,半个月时间,我很快了解了村里的基本情况,熟悉了村里的每一条道路,还手绘了一张李槐庭村地形图。就是这张凝聚了汗水的地图,让村支书、村长和村里的百姓看到了我的决心。 我的第二把火是尽快改变自己,实现自己角色的转变,真正融入到村民当中去。我认真做到放下架子,深入下去,很快进入了工作状态,我和村干部一起研究制约村里经济发展难题。在村里,我一趟趟的跑田间地头,了解农民的种植情况,掌握农忙的进程;在乡里,我向科技人员一遍遍的咨询了解科学的种植方法,并及时向村民宣传病虫的防治办法。 确定工作思路和目标,积极努力的进行实践,是我的第三把火。我意识到,农业是农村的主导产业,农村经济要发展,首先就要大力发展高产高效农业,大力发展养殖、种植业,以科学的方法增加农民的资金收入。积极转变农民仅靠种植业获得收入的思想,向村民灌输发展养殖业增收的新理念。把政府鼓励养殖业所出台的各项优惠政策拿给村民们看,给村民们吃下了一颗定心丸,村里搞养殖的人多了起来。我还利用空闲时间上网了解动物疾病的有效防治方法,积极向养殖户宣传。村民李站旗想养殖特种水产品,但一直犹豫不决,我知道后,给他鼓励和信心,协调关系,顺利建成了一个投资近50万鳝鱼养殖场,并帮助他贷了一笔款,使之有足够的资金来运转。村民李朝伟在我的帮助下建成了一个废旧钢材深加工场,年利润达5万元。我积极引导群众种植高效农业,今年该村种植辣椒近100亩。我还把本村传统手工制伞业转变为与现代工艺相结合的生产工艺,在很大程度提高了利润与销售量。 在发展经济的同时,也不忘精神文明建设,我引导本村的古乐队发掘一些思想健康,群众喜闻乐见,能宣传党的惠民利民政策的新剧目。对村里的孤寡老人,我不定期的到他们家中看望并了解情况。12月28日,五保户李富春因病医治无效去世,我和村两委成员及时的为我安排后事。对于困难户,我常常到他们家里帮他们解决一些生活上的难题,鼓励他们战胜困难的勇气。在20__年春节前夕,我充分利用单位做后盾,筹集到六百多元的现金,给村里三户困难群众送去了慰问金和慰问品,自己又拿出二百元给一户重病家庭送去温暖。 今年三夏期间,我深入到户,积极宣传禁烧政策,与镇禁烧小组成员同吃同住,每天忙到深夜。我的努力换来了辖区内无秸秆焚烧现象的发生。与此同时,因一条从村内穿过的乡道要在麦收期间进行施工,为确保麦收并兼顾工程进度,我几次与施工方协商,找出妥善的施工措施,使麦收工作与工程施工都得以顺利进行。百忙之中,我还抽出时间帮助劳动力少的村民抢收抢种,做到所有群众收归仓,种到地。 五月十二日汶川地震刚过没几日,我就和村两委成员商量,动员村民为灾区献爱心,在很短的时间

内就为灾区募捐了近5000元,充分表现了我们中华民族一方有难,八方支援的优良品德。 秋收季节,坚持三夏的工作作风,认真做好防火、抢收与秸秆还田工作,显著的成效得到上级领导的好评,并受到漯河有线台的采访。 在十一月份的农村基层干部选举过程中,我坚持公平、公正的原则,配合镇选举领导小组选拔出合格的村干部,给我村今后的工作开展打下坚实的基础。 工作的同时,我也不忘记给自己充电,3月份参加由市委组织部和市委党校联合举办的大学生村干部进修班,系统学习了党的理论知识和xx大精神,同时掌了解了农村工作的方法与技巧。十二月份参加市委组织部和市劳动局举办的大学生村干部创业培训班,掌握了基层创业的方法、提高了农村工作能力,给自己在今后的农村工作中打下了坚实的基础。 在未来的工作中,我将更加努力,为加快发展社会主义新农村作出贡献。

村官自我评价 篇3











村官自我评价 篇4


工作三个月了,可能还带着学生时的学习习惯,我把自己在这里每天的工作都做个简单的记录,这样既让我熟悉了工作,也方便了有问题时的查询。我想,这个习惯我会一直坚持下去的。 在这里工作对我来说,应该是比较容易适应的,毕竟,我出生在这里,对这里的自然环境和人文环境比较了解。因此,工作起来还算得心应手。刚刚离开学校,步入社会,对自己的工作具体情况认识不是很清楚,不过这不会成为我工作的障碍,我拿出学生时的学习态度,虚心学习,多和领导、同事请教、交流和沟通,遇事多思考,为了更好的了解我的工作性质和任务,我在休息时间经常和上一届的哥哥姐姐们聊天,以便加深认识,更好的完成工作。因此,本着谦虚谨慎的态度和不减的工作热情,这三个月来,我的工作基本完成的很顺利,和领导沟通及时,和同事相处融洽。

记得刚来时,我对这里的认识仅仅局限于地理位置和基本的农业,除此之外,便一无所知了。 通过这一个月的工作,使我对科室的工作有了基本的认识,也对自己所负责的x村基本情况熟悉了。工作中,除了完成所挂职的x科室自己负责的基本工作,每周一和周五还按乡里要求定时下到村里,及时传达乡里例会的内容,和村书记交流,了解黑峪口村的情况。我努力的去融入这里,希望被领导和同事接纳。








村官自我评价 篇5







村官自我评价 篇6



二、在学习上,我努力学习专业知识,加强自身专业素质。连续三年都获得校优秀学生奖学金,通过大学生英语四级考试、省级计算机考试二级。学习上有困难时,我和老师同学间互相帮助,共同解决好问题。 三、在实践工作上:我责任心强,服从组织安排,踏实肯干,讲求实效;工作认真,态度积极,奋发进取,不计较个人得失;工作勤勉,兢兢业业,任劳任怨;凡事积极主动,不怕苦,不怕累;在校能积极配合学校工作,积极参与院里的各项活动。



村官自我评价 篇7

响应党的号召与建设社会主义新农村的需要,我以优秀的成绩争取到了学习派遣大学生进村的名额,下到基层去,支持社会主义新农村的三农问题。 作为一名大学生村干部,来到农村,不是为炫耀自己的身价,而是来实实在在做事的。这是全体村民对我的期待,也是上级领导对大学生“村官”的希冀。“严格要求自己,有所作为”成为我的工作目标,积极投身于社会主义新农村建设,为当好这个“村官”,我始终带着深厚的感情为群众服务,用真情赢得群众信任和拥护。




村官自我评价 篇8

我在大学期间始终以提高自身的综合素质做为目标,以自我的全面发展为努力方向;树立正确的人生观 ,价值观和世界观。为实现社会的发展需求,我认真学习了各种专业知识,发挥自己的特长,挖掘自身潜力,加上不懈的努力,从而逐步提高了自己的学习能力和分析处理问题的能力遗迹一定的协调组织和管理能力。




村官自我评价 篇9






村官自我评价 篇10

Review years, assistant secretary nearly two years, recalling the beginning of the thrill of the village office and at a loss, and now I am a little more mature and calm. In the past two years, under the meticulous care and strict requirements of the parent organization department, under the help of the township party committee, the government's direct leadership and the cadres of the village committee, I have done my duty and fulfilled their duties conscientiously and actively promoted the economic and social undertakings of the village Of the overall development. I have accumulated a lot of valuable work experience, learned the way of doing things, from a muddle-headed college students into a rural grass-roots workers. In order to better serve the masses, the work of the past two years are summarized as follows:

First, change the role, strengthen learning. One is the identity of the villagers to locate themselves, in-depth experience of the farmers suffering, the farmers vital interests and their own work closely linked to work, study, work in learning. Second, efforts to achieve "five learning." Learn from books, learn from villagers, learn from leaders, learn from practice, and learn from colleagues. Do not ignore the trivial, trivial, not afraid of duplication, free of charge, do not refuse dull, ordinary, do whatever they can for the villagers, do not pick the size, focus on summing up and accumulation, pay more attention to study hard and practical work, strengthen training to improve their ability to work. The third is to strengthen the coordination of work, after some work of the exercise, can well coordinate the work between the village and the township government to ensure that Murakami work truthfully reported, township task smoothly.

Second, adhere to grass-roots practice, and actively join the village affairs.

1, to participate in the work of the village committee and two committees, coordination of grassroots organizations, and improve the village "two appoint" joint meeting, village representatives, party members and other systems, standardize the village proceedings and decision-making methods to ensure "two" coordination and efficient operation .

2, actively carry out rural party members and cadres of modern distance education. As a college student to the village, and actively carry out distance education is my work, I actively assist in organizing the village party members and the masses, they together to see outstanding examples of party members, the party's policies and other programs, give full play to distance education in rural grassrootsOrganization construction and the role of the new rural construction, activities, rich in content.

3, promote the popularization of new rural cooperative medical rously promote the cooperative medical policy, with the village accounting fees registration, due to work in place, the rate of participation in the village every year in front of the township by township leaders praise and reward, and assist the township government to do a good job of computer input.

4, text to help work. With the help of the leadership to write reports, summarize, reports, and strive to the village people to do solid work, and strive to build a new rural situation reported out through this exercise now, improve my writing skills in the document. Sorting out and sorting out various types of account information in the village, and sorting out the information on village affairs.

5, concerned about people's livelihood. Assist the village cadres to handle the villagers of the new rural cooperative medical insurance, pension insurance, take the initiative to do an assistant, on time to complete the task. At the same time to assist the township civil affairs department registered in the village of subsistence allowances, five guarantees object, the establishment of archives.

6, help "two appoint" general election. In line with the old "two appoint" cadre do preliminary, ready to work, timely material information collection, and township staff to communicate, help "two appoint" general election.

7, the implementation of the party's mass line of educational vely cooperate with the township party committee to carry out the party's mass line of education and practice activities, conscientiously find their own problems, find the village committee of the leadership of the "four winds" construction problems, and step by step according to the higher arrangements for the problems identified deadline for correction, self- Good results, the masses of the activities given a high degree of praise.

8, "beautiful Wan Tian 〃 clean village" work. Actively cooperate with the township government, the village committee to do the daily cleaning village committee, supervision of cleaners on time to complete the work, received a higher inspection tasks, timely coordination of cleaning staff, and strive to do a good job.

Third, due diligence, hands-on. In more than two years of work, I based on reality, in the village affairs management, due diligence, and strive to become "party members of the masses of intimate people, principles and policies of the instructor, rich information delivery. In the past two years, I have been concentrating on the work of "Beautiful Countryside". The complexity of the work and the heavy task are both a good learning opportunity and a test of my working ability. The work on the one hand to enhance my feelings with the villagers, the villagers put me as a village official of the staff, as an ordinary villagers, which carried out my work to lay a good mass base; the other hand , I have a more detailed understanding of the village committee, the village has a further understanding of the village, which I help the village party branch secretary and village director of the village to improve the management of the work, put forward rationalization proposals, laid the foundation .

In the grass-roots work practice, I continue to exercise growth, strive to improve and improve, and achieved certain results, but I also deeply aware of their own lack of practical experience and other ngthen the study, and constantly improve their overall quality of active communication, and more to the leadership and colleagues to ask; to strengthen communication with the masses, to listen to their voices . To listen to their voice, to listen to their voice, , Better for them to solve problems, carry forward the advantages and correct shortcomings.

村官自我评价 篇11

My name is , * years * born, from the . First of all, I am honored to be able to enter the university students village official interview assessment, I hope I have the opportunity to contribute to the country's socialist new rural construction of their own strength. The following is my personal identification:

I. In ideological and political affairs, as a member of the Communist Party, I have always adhered to the four basic principles and worked hard to study the guiding ideology of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and the scientific outlook on development, The party's call, take the initiative to participate in party activities, firmly support the party's program and approach, love the motherland and the people, loyalty to the party. I am active in thinking, and strive to maintain the advanced nature of party members, to become a good example of people around.

2, in learning, I strive to learn professional knowledge, strengthen their professional quality. For three consecutive years have been outstanding student scholarships, through the College English Test Band 4, the provincial computer exam two. When there are difficulties in learning, I and the teachers and students to help each other, solve the problem together.

3, in practice: my sense of responsibility, subject to organizational arrangements, practical work hard, stress practical results; work seriously, positive attitude, work hard, do not care about personal gains and losses; work diligent, hard work, hard working; , Not afraid of tired; in school to actively cooperate with the school work, and actively participate in the activities of the yard.

Fourth, in the conduct of life: In life, I advocate a simple and simple life, not extravagance is not wasted, do not eat leftovers, to develop good habits; Second, I have a strong concept of time is not late , An appointment time will always arrive ahead of time; I am warm and others, helpful, honest and trustworthy, good communication, and the relationship between students is extremely harmonious.

The above points are my self-identification, but I am deeply aware of my professional theoretical knowledge is also insufficient to find problems, think and analyze the problem and to solve the problem of comprehensive yet to be strengthened in the future in the work I will take some time to correct Shortcomings and make up deficiencies. In the future, I will, under the leadership of party committees and governments at all levels, assist the village "two committees" team to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the party members, to firmly establish and implement the scientific concept of development, To keep down to earth, do solid work style, according to the law to fulfill their duties, do a good job in all the work for the country to contribute to building a new socialist countryside of their own strength.

村官自我评价 篇12

My name is * years * was born from . First, I am honored to be able to enter the Student Village interview assessment, we hope to have the opportunity for the country building a new socialist countryside to contribute their part. The following is my personal identification:

First, the ideological and political, as a communist, I always adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles, to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, "Three Represents" important thought and the scientific concept of development, a positive responseParty's call, the initiative to participate in the activities of Party organizations, resolutely support the party's program and principles, love for the motherland and the people, loyal to the party. I thought proactive, and strive to maintain the Party's advanced nature, to become a good example for the people around.

Second, in the study, I try to learn professional knowledge, strengthen their own professional quality. For three consecutive years to get school scholarships for outstanding students, college students through CET, the provincial exam two computers. When there are difficulties in learning, teachers and students between me and help each other solve problems. Third, work in practice: I am responsible, obey the organizational arrangements, practical work hard, pragmatic; work seriously, positive attitude, work ahead, do not care about personal gains and losses; diligent work, dedicated, hard working; everything active, not afraid of hardship , not afraid of tired; school actively cooperate with school work, actively participate in the activities of the yard.

Fourth, in the conduct of life: in life, I am advocating a simple rustic life, no extravagant not waste, do not stay to eat leftovers, to develop good habits; Secondly, I have a strong sense of time do not be late do not leave early , an appointment time will always arrive early; I was warm and others, helpful, honest and trustworthy, good communication, and peer relationships very well.

The above points are my self-identification, but I deeply know my less than professional knowledge, identify problems, analytical thinking and problem-solving comprehensiveness to be strengthened in the future in the work I need some time to correct remedy shortcomings and deficiencies. In the future, I will be in the party committee and government leaders at all levels to help the village "two committees" team, with high-spirited, energetic and promising state of mind, and give full play their vanguard and exemplary role, firmly establish and implement the scientific concept of development, holding down to earth, solid work style of work, according to the law to fulfill their own responsibilities seriously do the work, contribute to a force for the country a new socialist countryside.

村官自我评价 篇13

In response to the call and the need to build a new socialist countryside party, February, with excellent results for me to learn to send college students village places, at grassroots levels, Nanhua Village in Nanning Yongning District Baiji Township Authority as assistant director, with practical action to support the new socialist countryside construction.

As a college student "Village", came to the countryside, to the real work, which is all the villagers to my expectations, but also the superiors of the students "Village" of hope. "Strict demands on themselves, make a difference" has become the target of my work, and actively participate in building a new socialist countryside. As well as the "Village", I always with great affection for the masses service, with the truth to win the people's trust and support. Since the work, leaders at all levels of carefully nurtured and taught me through its continuous efforts in ethics, competency, study and work, discipline, and self-discipline, have made great progress and great harvest, now the situation is summarized as follows:

1, conduct moral: In life, I am advocating a simple rustic life, no extravagant not waste, and to develop good habits and decent sense of time is also relatively strong, an appointment time will always arrive early. Rural life is the exercise of my hard-working spirit, self-care ability of self-reliance. I treat people enthusiastic, honest and trustworthy, innovative and pioneering consciousness, the courage to challenge themselves, thinking. Good relationships are built on the basis of understanding and communication, I am extremely harmonious relationships with colleagues. For seven years, I have been self-reflection, to make their own continue to progress.

2. Compliance: the past seven years, I lead by example, strict implementation of rules and regulations, and resolutely resist unhealthy practices. We strictly abide by the Party's political discipline, organizational discipline, economic discipline and mass work discipline, consciously do highly consistent with the Central Committee, not sham, their own way; comply with democratic centralism, not autocratic, weak indulgence; the exercise of power according to law, no abuse of power, dereliction of duty.

3, self-discipline: the past seven years, I have self-discipline to seriously implement the terms of the "Regulations", "Regulations", consciously undergo reform and market economy test, ideologically firmly establish a strong defense, integrity, do not accept any impact the interests of justice to perform official duties; fair and honest things, not malpractice; hard work, not extravagance and waste, hedonism, corrupt; pragmatic people, not fraud, compete with the people, and consciously accept the supervision of tissue masses.

4, political and ideological aspects: I adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles politically, to respond positively to the call of the party, take the initiative to participate in political activities superior party organization, and resolutely support the party's principles and policies, love the motherland, love the people, the party's cause full logical pursuit of progress, a high political consciousness, has always maintained a Party's advanced nature and purity, dare to fight against all kinds of reactionary ideas. I can do to emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, advance with the times, can be dialectical, rational view of things and issues in front of the cardinal always remain sober-minded.

5, ability and quality aspects: seven years, although sometimes pay more than other colleagues, some of the more tired, but I am very satisfied, after all, I was able to enhance their capability in all aspects of these exercises, including Thinking problem, problem-solving skills, ability to combine theory and practice, a man of ability and life skills, etc., in addition to organization and coordination skills, social skills work have been tempered.

村官自我评价 篇14

As a college student "village official", came to the countryside, is to really work, this is all the villagers look forward to me, but also the higher level leaders of college students "village officials" hope. "Strict demands on themselves, make a difference" has become my goal, actively engaged in the construction of new socialist countryside. To be a good "village official", I always with deep feelings for the masses, with the truth to win the masses of the trust and support. Since my participation in the work, under the careful cultivation and guidance of leaders at all levels, I have made great progress and great progress in their ideological and moral character, ability and quality, study work, abide by the law, Of the harvest, the relevant situation is summarized as follows:

1, ethical conduct: in life, I advocate a simple simple life, not extravagant do not waste, and develop good habits and decent concept of time is relatively strong, the appointment time will always arrive in advance. Rural life also exercise my hard-working spirit, self-reliance ability. I am enthusiastic about others, honest and trustworthy, with innovation and development awareness, the courage to challenge themselves, there are ideas. Good interpersonal relationships are based on understanding and communication, and I have a very good relationship with my colleagues. For seven years, I constantly self-reflection, and strive to make their own continuous progress.

2, respect for the law: the past seven years, I set an example, strict implementation of the rules and regulations, and resolutely resist unhealthy tendencies. I can strictly abide by the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, economic work discipline and mass work discipline, and consciously do with the Party Central Committee to maintain a high degree of consistency, do not act in accordance with the democratic centralism, do not arbitrarily, Not abuse their powers, neglect their duties.

3, clean self-discipline: the past seven years, I earnestly implement the "self-discipline", "regulations", can consciously endure the reform and opening up and market economy test, firmly established in the ideological firm line of defense, Work for the people, do not fraud, and the people for profit, can consciously accept the supervision of the organization and the masses. ";"; ";"; ";

4, political and ideological aspects: I adhere to the four basic principles of politics, and actively respond to the call of the party, take the initiative to participate in the political activities of higher Party committees, firmly uphold the party's principles and policies, love the motherland, love the people, full of party career confidence. Ideological pursuit of progress, higher political consciousness, and always maintain the advanced nature and purity of the party members, the courage to fight with a variety of reactionary ideas. I can emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, advancing with the times, be able to dialectical, rational view of things and problems, in the big right and wrong in front of always keep a clear head.

5, the ability and quality aspects: seven years, although sometimes more than other colleagues to pay more, more tired, but I am very satisfied with this, after all, I can in these exercises to enhance their ability in all aspects, including thinking Problems, ability to solve problems, theoretical and practical ability to combine life and life skills, and so on, the other organization and coordination capacity, social work ability have been tempered.

村官自我评价 篇15

"Subei to go grassroots levels, to the production of the first line to go to the motherland and the people most in need in our place to go!" This is our response Students Minister Li Yuan dynasty vigorous call to the countryside "official" slogan. I was fortunate to become a member of the Student Village. The following is a testimonial essay Students

In response to the call of the party and the need for building a new socialist countryside, and I with excellent results for the dispatch Students learn village places, at grassroots levels, to support rural issues a new socialist countryside.

As a college student village cadre, came to the rural areas, not to show off their worth, but to real work. This is all the villagers to my expectations, but also the superiors of the students "Village" of hope."Strict demands on themselves, make a difference" has become the target of my work, and actively participate in building a new socialist countryside, as well as the "Village", I always with great affection for the masses service, with the truth and win the trust of the massessupport.

The new office saying "three fire", just came Lihuai village court, I think we must first work to be carried out to understand the situation, to understand the lives of farmers producing situation, familiar with the topography of the village. Determine the thinking and began to turn in the fields, running from house to house. Cold winter, every day I run court in the land Lihuai village, half the time, I quickly understand the basic situation of the village, the village familiar with every road, but also a piece of painted court Lihuai village topographic map. This is the combination of sweat map and make party secretary, the village head and the village people saw my determination.

My "second fire" as quickly as possible is to change ourselves, to achieve change their roles, really into the villagers were to go. I seriously do "lend a hand, go deep," will soon enter the working state, I restrict village village cadres together to study the economic development problems. In the village, I Yi Tangtang run farms, farmers planting understand the situation, grasp the busy process; in the village, my advice to the scientific and technical personnel over and over again to understand the scientific cultivation methods, and in a timely manner to the villagers to promote its pest prevention measures. Determining ideas and goals, and actively carry out efforts to practice my "third fire." I realized that agriculture is the leading industry in rural areas, the rural economy to develop, we must first develop high-yield and efficient agriculture, develop aquaculture, farming, scientific way to increase farmers' income funds. Positive change in farmers planting alone get thinking income to the villagers' income instill development of aquaculture new ideas. The Government encourages aquaculture the introduction of various preferential policies showed the villagers, the villagers to eat a reassurance, the village engaged in farming, more people up. I also understand the use of free time on the Internet effective animal disease control methods, and actively promote the farmers. Villagers Lee special aquatic breeding station flag would like, but it has been hesitant, I know, give him encouragement and confidence, coordination, successfully completed an investment of nearly 500,000 eel farms, and helped him a sum of money borrowed , so that there is enough money to operate. Villagers Chao-wei I built with the help of a scrap steel deep processing plants, the annual profit of $ 50,000. I actively guide the masses to cultivate high-efficiency agriculture, the village this year, nearly 100 acres of pepper cultivation.I also handmade Umbrella traditional village into a combination of modern technology and production processes to a large extent improved profits and sales. In the development of the economy, did not forget spiritual civilization, led me to explore some of the ancient village band thought healthy, loved by the masses, to promote the new repertoire Party Huimin Limin policies. The elderly of the village, my occasional visit to their homes and to understand the mber 28, five guarantees Li Fuchun sickness treatment ineffective died, my village "two committees" members in time for my funeral arrangements. For hardship, I often go to their home to help them solve some of the problems in life, encouraging them to overcome difficulties courage. In the eve of Spring Festival in 20xx, I take full advantage of the unit backing, raised more than six hundred yuan in cash, to the village three poor people sent condolences gold and gifts, but it took two hundred yuan to send a seriously ill family to warm. During the three summer this year, I deeply home, actively promote Jinshao policy, and the town Jinshao team members ate together, late at night every day. My efforts in exchange for the area without straw burning phenomenon. At the same time, due to a road from the village through the village to be constructed during the wheat harvest, the wheat harvest and to ensure balanced progress of the project, I held consultations with the construction side, find the proper construction measures, so that the wheat harvest work and construction are proceed smoothly. Busy, I also took time to help less labor villagers rush in the harvest plant crops, so that all the people, "reverted to the warehouse, to be kind."


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