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dr. wong, dr. keough, mrs. novogroski, ms. curran, members of the board of education, family and friends of the graduates, ladies and gentlemen of the wellesley high school class of XX, for the privilege of speaking to you this afternoon, i am honored and grateful. thank you。



so here we are… commencement… life’s great forward-looking ceremony. (and don’t say, “what about weddings?” weddings are one-sided and insufficiently effective. weddings are bride-centric pageantry. other than conceding to a list of unreasonable demands, the groom just stands there. no stately, hey-everybody-look-at-me procession. no being given away. no identity-changing pronouncement. and can you imagine a television show dedicated to watching guys try on tuxedos? their fathers sitting there misty-eyed with joy and disbelief, their brothers lurking in the corner muttering with envy. left to men, weddings would be, after limits-testing procrastination, spontaneous, almost inadvertent… during halftime… on the way to the refrigerator. and then there’s the frequency of failure: statistics tell us half of you will get divorced. a winning percentage like that’ll get you last place in the american league east. the baltimore orioles do better than weddings。)


but this ceremony… commencement… a commencement works every time. from this day forward… truly… in sickness and in health, through financial fiascos, through midlife crises and passably attractive sales reps at trade shows in cincinnati, through diminishing tolerance for annoyingness, through every difference, irreconcilable and otherwise, you will stay forever graduated from high school, you and your diploma as one, ‘til death do you part。


no, commencement is life’s great ceremonial beginning, with its own attendant and highly appropriate symbolism. fitting, for example, for this auspicious rite of passage, is where we find ourselves this afternoon, the venue. normally, i avoid clichés like the plague, wouldn’t touch them with a ten-foot pole, but here we are on a literal level playing field. that matters. that says something. and your ceremonial costume… shapeless, uniform, one-size-fits-all. whether male or female, tall or short, scholar or slacker, spray-tanned prom queen or intergalactic x-box assassin, each of you is dressed, you’ll notice, exactly the same. and your diploma… but for your name, exactly the same。


all of this is as it should be, because none of you is special。


you are not special. you are not exceptional. contrary to what your u9 soccer trophy suggests, your glowing seventh grade report card, despite every assurance of a certain corpulent purple dinosaur, that nice mister rogers and your batty aunt sylvia, no matter how often your maternal caped crusader has swooped in to save you… you’re nothing special。

你并不特别,你并非与众不同; 尽管你有u9足球奖杯、辉煌的七年级成绩单;尽管你确信世上必定有肥胖的紫色恐龙、亲切的罗杰斯先生(著名儿童电视节目主持人)和古怪的sylvia阿姨;无论女蝙蝠侠曾奋不顾身地救过你多少次;你依然没什么特别。

yes, you’ve been pampered, cosseted, doted upon, helmeted, bubble-wrapped. yes, capable adults with other things to do have held you, kissed you, fed you, wiped your mouth, wiped your bottom, trained you, taught you, tutored you, coached you, listened to you, counseled you, encouraged you, consoled you and encouraged you again. you’ve been nudged, cajoled, wheedled and implored. you’ve been feted and fawned over and called sweetie pie. yes, you have. and, certainly, we’ve been to your games, your plays, your recitals, your science fairs. absolutely, smiles ignite when you walk into a room, and hundreds gasp with delight at your every tweet. why, maybe you’ve even had your picture in the townsman! [editor’s upgrade: or the swellesley report!]

是的,你被骄纵、溺爱、宠爱、保护、呵护;是的,忙碌不堪的大人抱着你、亲吻你、喂养你,替你擦嘴、擦屁股;训练你、教导你、指引你、辅导你、倾听你、规劝你、鼓励你、安慰你,并一再地鼓励你。你们被轻拥在怀里,好言哄诱和恳求;你们被赞美讨好,还被称为甜心派。是的,你确实有。当然,我们曾参加你的比赛、戏剧演出、演奏会、科学展览;当然,当你走进房里时,每个人都露出微笑;对你贴出的每一则twitter 讯息发出千百次兴奋的惊叹。为什么?也许你的照片曾登上townsman(韦斯利高中校内刊物)

and now you’ve conquered high school… and, indisputably, here we all have gathered for you, the pride and joy of this fine community, the first to emerge from that magnificent new building…


but do not get the idea you’re anything special. because you’re not。


the empirical evidence is everywhere, numbers even an english teacher can’t ignore. newton, natick, nee… i am allowed to say needham, yes? …that has to be two thousand high school graduates right there, give or take, and that’s just the neighborhood ns. across the country no fewer than 3.2 million seniors are graduating about now from more than 37,000 high schools. that’s 37,000 valedictorians… 37,000 class presidents… 92,000 harmonizing altos… 340,000 swaggering jocks… 2,185,967 pairs of uggs. but why limit ourselves to high school? after all, you’re leaving it. so think about this: even if you’re one in a million, on a planet of 6.8 billion that means there are nearly 7,000 people just like you. imagine standing somewhere over there on washington street on marathon monday and watching sixty-eight hundred yous go running by. and consider for a moment the bigger picture: your planet, i’ll remind you, is not the center of its solar system, your solar system is not the center of its galaxy, your galaxy is not the center of the universe. in fact, astrophysicists assure us the universe has no center; therefore, you cannot be it.


neither can donald trump… which someone should tell him… although that hair is quite a phenomenon。


“but, dave,” you cry, “walt whitman tells me i’m my own version of perfection! epictetus tells me i have the spark of zeus!” and i don’t disagree. so that makes 6.8 billion examples of perfection, 6.8 billion sparks of zeus. you see, if everyone is special, then no one is. if everyone gets a trophy, trophies become meaningless.


in our unspoken but not so subtle darwinian competition with one another–which springs, i think, from our fear of our own insignificance, a subset of our dread of mortality — we have of late, we americans, to our detriment, come to love accolades more than genuine achievement. we have come to see them as the point — and we’re happy to compromise standards, or ignore reality, if we suspect that’s the quickest way, or only way, to have something to put on the mantelpiece, something to pose with, crow about, something with which to leverage ourselves into a better spot on the social totem pole. no longer is it how you play the game, no longer is it even whether you win or lose, or learn or grow, or enjoy yourself doing it… now it’s “so what does this get me?” as a consequence, we cheapen worthy endeavors, and building a guatemalan medical clinic becomes more about the application to bowdoin than the well-being of guatemalans。


it’s an epidemic — and in its way, not even dear old wellesley high is immune… one of the best of the 37,000 nationwide, wellesley high school… where good is no longer good enough, where a b is the new c, and the midlevel curriculum is called advanced college placement. and i hope you caught me when i said “one of the best。” i said “one of the best” so we can feel better about ourselves, so we can bask in a little easy distinction, however vague and unverifiable, and count ourselves among the elite, whoever they might be, and enjoy a perceived leg up on the perceived competition. but the phrase defies logic. by definition there can be only one best. you’re it or you’re not。


if you’ve learned anything in your years here i hope it’s that education should be for, rather than material advantage, the exhilaration of learning. you’ve learned, too, i hope, as sophocles assured us, that wisdom is the chief element of happiness. (second is ice cream… just an fyi) i also hope you’ve learned enough to recognize how little you know… how little you know now… at the moment… for today is just the beginning. it’s where you go from here that matters。


as you commence, then, and before you scatter to the winds, i urge you to do whatever you do for no reason other than you love it and believe in its importance. don’t bother with work you don’t believe in any more than you would a spouse you’re not crazy about, lest you too find yourself on the wrong side of a baltimore orioles comparison. resist the easy comforts of complacency, the specious glitter of materialism, the narcotic paralysis of self-satisfaction. be worthy of your advantages. and read… read all the time… read as a matter of principle, as a matter of self-respect. read as a nourishing staple of life. develop and protect a moral sensibility and demonstrate the character to apply it. dream big. work hard. think for yourself. love everything you love, everyone you love, with all your might. and do so, please, with a sense of urgency, for every tick of the clock subtracts from fewer and fewer; and as surely as there are commencements there are cessations, and you’ll be in no condition to enjoy the ceremony attendant to that eventuality no matter how delightful the afternoon。


the fulfilling life, the distinctive life, the relevant life, is an achievement, not something that will fall into your lap because you’re a nice person or mommy ordered it from the caterer. you’ll note the founding fathers took pains to secure your inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness–quite an active verb, “pursuit”–which leaves, i should think, little time for lying around watching parrots rollerskate on youtube。


the first president roosevelt, the old rough rider, advocated the strenuous life. mr. thoreau wanted to drive life into a corner, to live deep and suck out all the marrow. the poet mary oliver tells us to row, row into the swirl and roil. locally, someone… i forget who… from time to time encourages young scholars to carpe the heck out of the diem. the point is the same: get busy, have at it. don’t wait for inspiration or passion to find you. get up, get out, explore, find it yourself, and grab hold with both hands。

老罗斯福总统-一位老练的骑士,提倡艰苦的生活;梭罗先生尽力简化生活,希望活得深刻并吸取生命的精髓;诗人mary oliver告诉我们向前划,划进漩涡和湍流中;本校有个人-我忘了是谁,不时鼓励年轻学子们把握当下。这些话的重点都相同:动起来,付诸行动;别枯等灵感或热情来找你。站起来、走出门外、进行探索、靠自己的力量寻找,并好好把握。

now, before you dash off and get your yolo tattoo, let me point out the illogic of that trendy little expression–because you can and should live not merely once, but every day of your life. rather than you only live once, it should be you live only once… but because yloo doesn’t have the same ring, we shrug and decide it doesn’t matter. none of this day-seizing, though, this ylooing, should be interpreted as license for self-indulgence. like accolades ought to be, the fulfilled life is a consequence, a gratifying byproduct. it’s what happens when you’re thinking about more important things。


climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you. go to paris to be in paris, not to cross it off your list and congratulate yourself for being worldly. exercise free will and creative, independent thought not for the satisfactions they will bring you, but for the good they will do others, the rest of the 6.8 billion–and those who will follow them. and then you too will discover the great and curious truth of the human experience is that selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself。


the sweetest joys of life, then, come only with the recognition that you’re not special。because everyone is。


大学生毕业英语演讲稿范文毕业英语演讲稿(2) | 返回目录


one student is just like a flower

my dear mr. and misses, my fellows schoolmates,

good morning! as you know and see, it is a sunny bump harvest season. in the city, in our school campus, everywhere is surrounded with roses which we together planted 4 years ago. today may these roses and our friendship as well be together and comfort our excited hearts!

it was four years ago that everyone of us came from every part of china and formed a new collective. as we are young, it’s very easy for us to communicate. it was in the past four years that we were ambitious. it was in the past four years that we worried. it was in the past four years that we were content. it was in the past four years that we were vexed. it was in the past four years that we were friendly and lonely ... and it was in the past fours that we studied, lived and respected each other with genuine and with our ambitions. nothing in the world is more significant than we miss all of these.

we miss you─teachers who are tireless in teaching; we will keep your gestures and your white hairs in our hearts deeply; we will miss the quietness with the lights at night in the classroom; we will miss the race and exercise on the playground; we will miss even the crowds in the dining hall and the quarrel on the beds; we will still miss every green piece and every piece of waste paper flying like flakes in the air ... however, today we will leave nothing but the first rose with our alma mater and our teachers which is entrusted with our love and respect.

4 years seems very long but 4 years seems very short. from now on, we all will go into the society. the society is broad and wide for us. we will shoulder heavy responsibilities; we will work diligently; and we will expect to be informed of good news from one another. now, i beg you all to cherish the occasion; to remember the names, the status, appearance and the character of the person around you. now let’s be hand in hand together; let’s present the rose to each other. may the rose carry our appreciation and blessing! we are very closely linked no matter what the world may be. may the fresh rose in our hands keep its fragrants!

thank you all again!





我 们怀念每一位诲人不倦的老师,你们的手势或白发会刻在我们的记忆中;怀念教室里的静夜苦读,运动场上的奔跑跳跃,甚至食堂里的拥挤和高低床上的争论; 怀念每一块绿地和每一片风中飘零的废纸......今天,我们没有更好的礼物留下,这第一朵玫瑰,就献给我们的母校和老师,她寄托着大家的热爱和敬意!

4 年很久,4年也很匆匆。以后的日子,大家又要飞,天高地阔,任重道远,我们将在躬身的劳作中和奉献中等候着彼此的好消息。现在,请珍惜和永远记住这一 时刻,记住你左边和右边的任何一个人吧,记住他(她)们的姓名、仪表和特点,请让我们彼此握手,彼此赠佩一朵玫瑰,让她表达我们的感谢和祝福。不管地老天 荒,我们彼此息息相关,我们的手指上永远保留着赠人鲜花的芳香!


初中毕业英语演讲稿毕业英语演讲稿(3) | 返回目录

first of all, we must cultivate students' interest in english study. let students in learning to find joy in joy in the interest of interest, found in the determination of decision and perseverance, namely train drivers + + to + perserve = interest. of course started to learn english, don't be too hard. guiding students from the simple, funny, funny began to enable students to find suitable for their interest in learning. and they decide to "light" surveys. and allow students to go wrong, don't pursue every word is correct. ,

secondly, the students have interest, help them to plan. watch english materials and listen to english radio, looking for learning environment, life is much, learn english and have much broader, take every chance to exposure to english. in class, students try to speak in english, usually between classmates exchange, encourage students to use english, don't be afraid of making mistakes the wrong. to establish weekly learning new words in the target, the vocabulary, records recorded all sorts of new words and phrases. because learning english must have vocabulary as the foundation, will play a protracted war, remembering words to guerrilla warfare. can make them more "to" surveys.

learning english as friends, in different occasions contact might remember, not isolated words and remember its neighbors. it is necessary to guide students to read, this of learning english is very important to have more understanding of western culture and western learning habit, master of language background is also an important way of learning. then two chinese ppc to achieve. we finally achieved the goal ", two surveys to two chinese to spending."

finally, let students enjoy happiness in suffering, more study is interesting, from passive to active, change from me to learn to learn.


首先,我们要培养学生学习英语的兴趣。让学生在学习中去寻找欢乐,在欢乐中找到兴趣,在兴趣中下决心,在决心中培养毅力,即动因+兴趣+决心+持之以恒=成绩。当然开始学英语时不要追求太高,太难。指导学生从简单的,有趣的,好笑的开始使学生找出适合自己的学习兴趣。同时引导他们“from easy to difficult.”。并允许学生出错,不要追求每个单词都正确。,

其次,学生有了兴趣,帮助他们制定计划。每天看英语材料和听英语广播,寻找学习环境,生活范围有多大,学英语的天地就有多宽广,利用一切机会去接触英语。在课堂上让学生试着讲英语,平时同学之间交流时多用英语,鼓励学生不要怕出错,错了没关系。同时要建立每周学习生词的目标,在记录词汇本里,记录各种各样的生词,短语。因为学好英语必须要有词汇作基础,要打持久战;记单词要打游击战。就能做到“from little to more”。

学英语如同交朋友,在不同的场合接触就可能记牢,不能孤立的记单词,要记住它的左邻右舍。同时很有必要指导学生大量的阅读,这对学习英语有是非常重要的,多了解西方文化,学习西方习惯,掌握大量的语言背景是学习的又一条重要途径。那么就达到from chinese to english。我们最终要达到目的 “from english to english ,from english to chinese ”



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